Business Results - Revolution

Business Results - Revolution
"Profound in its simplicity and clarity, this roadmap to business success is packed with insightful and practical tools you can begin to use and profit from immediately."
Paul R. Niven, author of Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step: Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results
Just Focus on Two or Three Things?
Should a company, which aims to achieve the best performance and acquire the right customers, focus on two or three things?
This is the question that guided Sandy Richardson as she began the Business Results Revolution journey. According to her, yes, there exists a short list of industry secrets that all successful business follows. However, those secrets are not for everyone to understand.
Business Results Revolution presents those secrets in such a way that businesses may apply them easily to achieve their goals. It is a simplified guide to not only all the proven effective business strategies but also to the most critical elements that successful businesses focus on.
Of note, in 2011 the Corporate Directors who were also members of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) outlined their top learning priorities below:
- Business Strategy: 72.1%
- Corporate Performance & Valuation: 40.6%
- Risk Mitigation/Crisis Oversight: 27.1%
- Talent Management: 25.8%
- CEO Success: 25%
The author tells us that all the advices from business gurus and industry experts can be summarized into three bare essentials:
- Articulating a proposition that is unique and irresistible to customers
- Guiding every member of the company towards this proposition in order to provide the customers' needs with great interaction
- Having a watchful eye of the customer, marketplace and the company’s performance in order to continuously improve and provide a meaningful value proposition to customers
- Why do our customers do business with us?
- Why do our employees think our customers do business with us?
- Are we sure?
Accordingly, Sandy Richardson simplifies the core of business success into three questions:
Richardson added that while the key to sustainable high business performance is being able to answer these three questions confidently, the real secret to extraordinary business success is to keep “asking, answering, learning from, and responding to these three simple questions for as long as you’re in the business of serving customers”

Business Results - Revolution
Highlights by David Willden